Increasing Safety, Reducing Violence


Respect is a community organisation based in Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand. Our main purpose is to facilitate respectful relationships.


Everyone has the right to live a life free from violence and abuse in all its forms.

What We Do

For Perpetrators of violence, we offer education
programmes: Examining beliefs and actions that result in abusive behaviour. Learning ways to have non-abusive respectful relationships.

For Victims of abuse or violence, we offer support
and education programmes: Education to recognise signs and effects of abuse. How to live lives free of abuse and violence.

We offer support and education programmes for
children and teenagers affected by violence or
abuse. Learning to deal with the effects of violence in healthy ways.

Strengthening Women’s Group

A programme for women


A support programme for children and youth

Living Without Violence

A programme for men

Relate Group

A programme for women


Build stronger family connections with our parenting programs—find support and practical tools today.

Couples Counselling

We also offer couples counselling for clients who have finished at least one group or individual programme with us.

How You Can Get Involved

Join a Programme

Whether you’re a victim or a perpetrator of family violence we have a programme aimed at giving you the tools to break the cyle.

Donate and make a difference

We are a registered charity so all donations are tax deductible. Help us help children and families affected by family violence.

Our supporters

ministry of justice